New Karabakhnama
The brave Azerbaijani Army under the leadership of Victorious Commander-in-Chief achieved a historic victory over the enemy during 44 days of military operations and freed our lands from occupation. Reconstruction and restoration works were started immediately after the Patriotic War in the territories freed from occupation. During the 30 years that the Republic of Armenia occupied the lands of Azerbaijan, it deliberately destroyed our cities and villages and wiped out 9 cities and hundreds of villages. Armenia looted cultural and religious monuments and committed urbicide and culturicide crimes. The city of Aghdam is called “the Hiroshima of the Caucasus” due to the extent of the destruction. The book depicts reconstruction and restoration works and the process of Great Return of inhabitants to the territories liberated from occupation. The book is considered for use by broad audience.
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Qeyri-neft-qaz xidmət ixracı 37,1% artaraq 4,6 milyard ABŞ dolları olub