Azerbaijan’s Admission to the D-8: Strengthening Economic Cooperation with Global Potential
The admission of Azerbaijan to the Developing-8 Organization for Economic Cooperation (D-8) in December 2024 represents a significant step for the organization, marking the first expansion since its inception. Economic potential of the D-8 and its implications for global trade, economic cooperation, and development is significant, as it unites emerging economies with vast populations and growing markets, offering opportunities for enhanced trade partnerships, investment flows, and sustainable development initiatives that can shape the future of the global economy. The D-8 countries—Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Turkey, and Azerbaijan—together represent a substantial portion of the global population and economic output. Their collective growth trajectory offers valuable insights for global economic governance, trade partnerships, and sustainable development.
Ekspert yazıları
Ayxan Qədəşov
Azexport portalının rəhbəri
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Aqil Əsədov
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