"Driving Economic Integration and Digital Transformation: Azerbaijan’s Strategic Leadership in the Organization of Turkic States"
The Organization of Turkic States (OTS) has become a key platform for fostering political, economic, and cultural cooperation among Turkic-speaking countries. With its 11th Summit held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, on November 6, 2024, the OTS reaffirmed its commitment to strengthening ties within the Turkic World, focusing on economic integration, sustainable development, and digital transformation. Under the theme “Strengthening the Turkic World: Economic Integration, Sustainable Development, Digital Future, and Security for All,” the summit yielded significant agreements that further advance the collective vision of OTS member states. Azerbaijan, as a central figure in this process, continues to play a leading role in advancing regional cooperation, particularly in areas such as trade, transport, and digital infrastructure. As the OTS pushes forward with its ambitious agenda, it seeks to position itself as a powerful economic and geopolitical entity in the global landscape.
Ekspert yazıları
Ayxan Qədəşov
Azexport portalının rəhbəri
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