
"The country's first cryptocurrency: current situation and opportunities" was…

"The country's first cryptocurrency: current situation and opportunities" was…

The "Azexport Talks" project, organized by the "Azexport" portal operated by the…

The "Startup School 3" project was discussed

The "Startup School 3" project was discussed

A discussion was held on the "Startup School 3: Green and Digital Silk Road" project, which…

Azexport Talks: The Impact of Modern Technologies on Business Discussed

Azexport Talks: The Impact of Modern Technologies on Business Discussed

The next meeting of the “Azexport Talks” project—initiated by the “Azexport”…

Vusal Gasimli delivered a speech to business leaders of the Turkic world regarding Azerbaijan's…

Vusal Gasimli delivered a speech to business leaders of the Turkic world regarding Azerbaijan's…

Prof. Dr. Vusal Gasimli, the Executive Director of the CAERC, spoke at the event titled ‘Turkic Investment…

Vusal Gasimli met with representatives of the World Bank

Vusal Gasimli met with representatives of the World Bank

Prof. Dr. Vusal Gasimli, the Executive Director of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication…

Training on public procurement was held at the CAERC

Training on public procurement was held at the CAERC

The Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication conducted a training session for members…

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