Economic growth
This book explains the essence of economic growth using various model approaches, including the Solow growth model, the neoclassical model, endogenous technological change, stochastic growth. In addition to traditional factors affecting economic growth, the role of the factors was also touched upon, such as cultural diversity, narrative and social capital in economic development. During the 30 years of independence, Azerbaijan's economy has more than tripled, providing the material basis for our economic and political superiority in the region, rising to the status of the most reformist country, improving prosperity, and providing Azerbaijan with an important hub at the crossroads of East-West and North-South. The next goal is to double the size of the Azerbaijani economy in the next 10 years and to achieve new successes by further strengthening our achievements as a state and society.
Ekspert yazıları
Ayxan Qədəşov
Azexport portalının rəhbəri
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Aqil Əsədov
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