CAERC and Korea Development Institute Held an Online Meeting

CAERC and Korea Development Institute Held an Online Meeting

The Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication and Korea Development Institute (KDI) held an online meeting. Executive Director of KDI's Center for International Development Mr. Sanghoon Ahn, Head of Operations Management Ms. Dahyun Noh, and Head of Planning and Evaluation Department of the Center for International Development Ms. Hanee Chang, made presentations on joint cooperation opportunities and the Knowledge Exchange Program (KSP). Head of the CAERC Project Department Vusala Jafarova provided broad information on the reforms, implemented in the country, strategic goals, research areas of the CAERC and Center’s activities on monitoring and evaluation.

After presentations, the heads of the relevant departments of the Center had working discussions on participation in the Knowledge Exchange Program. After, Executive Director of KDI's Center for International Development Mr. Sanghoon Ahn expressed their interest in developing relations between organizations and continuing successful joint projects.



CAERC and Korea Development Institute Held an Online Meeting
CAERC and Korea Development Institute Held an Online Meeting
CAERC and Korea Development Institute Held an Online Meeting

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