Export Review / 2017 / Jule №4 (4)
It is an information bulletin that provides information on exports in the non-oil sector and export orders entered into the Azexport portal, and serves to educate…
Export Review / 2017 / June №3 (3)
It is an information bulletin that provides information on exports in the non-oil sector and export orders entered into the Azexport portal, and serves to educate…
Export Review / 2017 / May №2 (2)
It is an information bulletin containing information on exports in the non-oil sector for 4 months of 2017 and export orders entered into the Azexport portal
Export Review / 2017 / I quarter
Quarterly bulletin on volume and cost of non-oil products exported from the Republic of Azerbaijan, orders received on Azexport internet portal
Isa Gasimov
Head of the “Enterprise Azerbaijan” portal
Social entrepreneurship is an important tool for economic sustainability
Vusala Jafarova
Head of the Turkic World Research Center
"Driving Economic Integration and Digital Transformation: Azerbaijan’s Strategic Leadership in the Organization of…
Vusala Jafarova
Head of the Turkic World Research Center
"Azerbaijan’s Admission to the D-8: Strengthening Economic Cooperation with Global Potential"
Vusala Jafarova
Head of the Turkic World Research Center
Turkic States Economic Outlook for the First Half of 2024: Growth, Trade, and Investment Trends
Agil Asadov
Head of the Strategic planning division
Moody's: Growing influence of the Middle Corridor boosts economic prospects
Vusala Jafarova
Head of the Turkic World Research Center
The Karabakh Declaration and the future of economic cooperation of the Turkic world
Vusala Jafarova
Head of the Turkic World Research Center
"SCO Plus Summit: Catalyzing Economic Growth and Connectivity Among Turkic States"