The Role of Green Technologies in Addressing the Ecological Problems of the Caspian Sea
This article examines the ecological challenges facing the Caspian Sea and the transformative potential of green technologies in mitigating these issues. As the world's largest enclosed water body, the Caspian Sea is highly vulnerable to ecological threats, including oil extraction, industrial waste, and the impacts of climate change, which have severely disrupted its ecosystem. The study aims to highlight these ecological problems and demonstrate how green economy technologies can contribute to the sea's environmental protection. Specifically, the article analyzes the effectiveness of eco-friendly water purification technologies, biological innovations, and other sustainable practices in restoring the region's ecological balance. Additionally, it evaluates current projects and initiatives addressing these challenges, offering insights into their impact and potential scalability. By exploring these solutions, the paper underscores the critical role of green technologies in securing the long-term sustainability of the Caspian Sea's environment.
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