The Karabakh Declaration and the future of economic cooperation of the Turkic world
The Karabakh Declaration, signed at the Informal Summit of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS) in Shusha on July 6, 2024, marks a significant step towards deepening political, economic, and cultural ties among Turkic states. Hosted by President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan, the summit brought together key leaders from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Türkiye, and Hungary as well as Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Secretary General of the OTS. The declaration emphasizes the need for closer collaboration in various sectors, particularly in transport, connectivity, and climate action. By highlighting the importance of regional infrastructure, the declaration focuses on enhancing trade, investment, and the establishment of efficient trans-regional corridors such as the Trans-Caspian International East-West Middle Corridor. This corridor is seen as essential for sustainable development and international trade. Additionally, the declaration underscores the role of Turkic states in addressing global challenges, especially climate change, and promotes the creation of climate-resilient smart cities and renewable energy cooperation. Through this declaration, the OTS member states reaffirm their commitment to a sustainable and integrated future, underscoring their shared history, values, and common goals in the geopolitical and economic landscape.
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