Vusal Gasimli, Executive director of CAERC, presented the portal boyukqayidish.gov.az
A meeting was held in the Cabinet of Ministers regarding the "I State Program on the Great Return to the territories liberated from occupation of the Republic of Azerbaijan". In the meeting attended by the representatives of the deputies of the heads of the main executive bodies for the works provided for in the State Program, the state of implementation of the Program was reviewed and an overview of the boyukgayidish.gov.az portal was presented.
Rufat Mammadov, Head of the Office of the Cabinet of Ministers, spoke at the meeting and emphasized that large-scale reconstruction works are being carried out in our lands liberated from occupation as a result of the glorious victory won in the Patriotic War. R. Mammadov noted that in the post-war period, important works were carried out in the direction of cleaning the freed territories from mines and unexploded ordnance, the establishment of modern residential, production and service infrastructure, the restoration of economic activity, including transport and communication lines. The implemented targeted and large-scale projects serve the rapid revival of the economic regions of Karabakh and East Zangezur, the sustainable settlement of the population and the provision of sustainable economic activity, as well as create a sound foundation for the transformation of those areas into a highly developed region.
Giving information on the work done and to be done under the 1st State Program on the Great Return to territories liberated from occupation, adopted by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated November 16, 2022, the Head of the Office said that with this Decree, the Cabinet of Ministers is empowered to supervise the implementation of the measures provided for in the State Program and reporting to the President of Azerbaijan twice a year on the implementation of accountability, as well as the status of implementation of the planned measures. It was also mentioned in the Order that the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the measures provided for in the Program will be carried out by the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication (CAERC) according to the order of the Cabinet of Ministers. The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers dated December 30, 2022 was adopted for the implementation of the program. In order to effectively monitor the progress of work within the program, the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, together with the Ministry of Digital Development and Transport, was assigned to form the "Control and Accountability Portal for the Implementation of the State Program on the Great Return to Occupied Territories".
Then the executive director of CAERC, Vusal Gasimli presented the portal boyukgayidish.gov.az. He stated that 25 directions of action on 6 priorities have been determined in the State Program and 188 measures are planned to be implemented. A "Methodological framework" was developed in the CAERC to ensure monitoring and evaluation of the "I State Program on the Great Return to the Territories liberated from Occupation of the Republic of Azerbaijan".
Trainings on the explanation and implementation of the functioning mechanisms of the "Control and Accountability Portal for the implementation of the State Program on the Great Return to Territories Liberated from Occupation" were conducted and instructional videos were prepared. About 200 authorized representatives of 44 state institutions participating in the implementation of the State Program were given detailed information about the rules, conditions and sections of using the mentioned portal in the trainings held in a hybrid format. Relevant information is posted on the portal by the relevant institutions. Based on these data, monitoring and evaluations will be carried out by CAERC and the results will be presented to the Cabinet of Ministers.
Later, at the meeting, the improvement of efficiency in the implementation of the measures provided for in the State Program and other issues were discussed

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