What should construction companies do to get permits more easily?
23 November 2022, 17:52

The book "Yeni Qarabağnamə", which tells about historical victories, was published
11 November 2022, 17:52

Post-conflict construction and reintegration / Professor Vusal Gasimli
10 November 2022, 10:14

Azerbaijan's economy grew by 6 percent/Ramil Huseyn
18 October 2022, 11:00

Azerbaijan is an important partner for Europe and Asia
17 October 2022, 11:08

The concept of "green energy" and "green zone" will be applied in AZERBAIJAN
17 October 2022, 11:08

The first comprehensive research book in the field of "green economy" in Azerbaijan
17 October 2022, 09:40

What products are mostly exported from Azerbaijan to Russia? 2022
14 October 2022, 14:32

The book "Green economy" was presented
14 October 2022, 11:00

Azerbaijan has a special role in increasing the economic potential of the Turkic States
13 October 2022, 11:00

İİTKM tərəfindən “Yaşıl iqtisadiyyat” kitabı nəşr olunub
06 October 2022, 09:40

Azərbaycandakı beyin mərkəzlərinin fəaliyyətləri data əsaslı strateji idarəetmədə rol oynayır
29 September 2022, 12:24

Azərbaycanda post-konflikt quruculuğu, İqtisadi müstəqillik / Vüsal Qasımlı
28 September 2022, 11:06

Azərbaycan və Özbəkistan arasında iqtisadi əlaqələr genişlənir/ Ayhan Satıcı/ İİTKM
16 September 2022, 11:00

Economic growth, passionarity and regeneration in Azerbaijan / Vusal Gasimli
19 August 2022, 10:05

The essence of global inflation and the methods of solving the problems caused by it
18 August 2022, 09:59

Economic activity in the regions is strengthening / Vusal Gasimli
15 August 2022, 10:46
Vusala Jafarova
Head of the Turkic World Research Center
"Driving Economic Integration and Digital Transformation: Azerbaijan’s Strategic Leadership in the Organization of…
Vusala Jafarova
Head of the Turkic World Research Center
"Azerbaijan’s Admission to the D-8: Strengthening Economic Cooperation with Global Potential"
Vusala Jafarova
Head of the Turkic World Research Center
Turkic States Economic Outlook for the First Half of 2024: Growth, Trade, and Investment Trends
Agil Asadov
Head of the Strategic planning division
Moody's: Growing influence of the Middle Corridor boosts economic prospects
Vusala Jafarova
Head of the Turkic World Research Center
The Karabakh Declaration and the future of economic cooperation of the Turkic world
Vusala Jafarova
Head of the Turkic World Research Center
"SCO Plus Summit: Catalyzing Economic Growth and Connectivity Among Turkic States"
Ayaz Museyibov
Deputy Executive Director of the CAERC
Azerbaijan and Türkiye: Leading through unity in global crises