She was born on August 18, 2001 in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.
In 2018-2022, bachelor's degree in Computer Science at Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University.
In 2022, she studied on a scholarship in the IT project "CODE FOR FUTURE," organized by the Ministry of Science and Education and the international school of mathematics and programming, "Algorithmika."
Labor Activity
In 2022, she interned as a "Product Manager" at "Ferrum Capital" CJSC.
In 2023–2024, a Frontend Developer at "Ferrum Capital" CJSC.
Since September 2024, she has been working as a Lead Frontend Programmer at the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
She has knowledge and experience in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SCSS, React, Redux, Next.js, TypeScript, and Git.
She speaks in Azerbaijani, English, and Turkish.