16 January 2024, 14:26

Scientific article titled "What Advantages Arise from the Shift Towards Sustainable Energy Sources in Resource-Rich Economies? Empirical Insights from Azerbaijan" has been published in the prestigious "International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy," which is included in the "Scopus" database and ranked in Q1.

This article, co-authored by Professor V. Gasimli, Ramil Huseyn, Doctor of Economic Sciences, and Rashad Huseynov, Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, provides scientific justification for the activities aimed at increasing the use of renewable energy sources in the Republic of Azerbaijan. The study highlights the potential political, economic, social, and ecological benefits of such initiatives.

It's worth noting that Azerbaijan is hosting the 29th session of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change - COP29 in 2024. Additionally, by the decree of the President of Azerbaijan dated December 25, 2023, 2024 has been declared the "Year of Solidarity for the Green World" in the country, with various events planned throughout the year. The publication of this article in a prestigious scientific journal aims to contribute to these initiatives and showcase Azerbaijan's achievements.

Furthermore, CAERC has prepared two more articles on Azerbaijan's green energy policy, accepted for publication by prestigious journals included in the "Scopus" database, which will be released in the coming months.

You can access the full text of the article through this link:



Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication