03 June 2021, 11:34

Executive Director of the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication (CAERC) Vusal Gasimli had a meeting with the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Azerbaijan Mr.Kim Tong Op.

During the meeting, Vusal Gasimli informed the Ambassador about economic reforms implemented in the country under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, application of strategic management in Azerbaijan, as well as research of the CAERC in the field of economic reforms, its monitoring and evaluation activities.

Ambassador Mr.Kim Tong Op expressed his satisfaction with the state of relations between the two countries. He also told about the successful implementation of projects initiated between the CAERC and the Embassy. He assured that the Embassy would continue to support joint research and projects between Korea's leading think tanks, such as the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), the Korea Development Agency (KDI), and the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA).

Vusal Gasimli emphasized that the opening of the Zangezur corridor after the liberation of Azerbaijan’s lands from the occupation will increase the potential of the Southern Caucasus from the point of international trade and transportation. It will serve the interest of both countries for making researches in this field. He noted that further expansion of cooperation between two countries in trade and investments wouldhave a positive impact. The issue about creating cooperation between the CAERC and Korea’s relevant think tanks to conduct joint researches in this direction was among the topics of discussion.

At the end of the meeting, the guest has presented the Reviews on Doing Business 2020, Monitoring and Evaluation of the Strategic Roadmaps, and 5th Anniversary of the Center.

Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication