01 August 2022, 14:52

According to the action plan for 2022 of the "Construction Permits" working group of the Commission for Business Environment and International Ratings, One-Stop-Shop Export Support Center for the issuance of construction and operation permits by the State Urban Planning and Architecture Committee another informative meeting was held to get acquainted with the advantages of the electronic application system and the new functions added.

Representatives of companies operating in the construction sector, project organizations, law firms, members of business associations, public associations and private entrepreneurs, as well as employees of relevant state institutions participating in the construction permit process, attended the meeting organized at the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication Center.

The participants of the event were given detailed information about the results of the meetings held so far and the work done by the working group. The working mechanism of the One-Stop-Shop's system was demonstrated, all the stages of the test application through the user's electronic cabinet, including the electronic upload of the construction project to the portal, the online collection of the opinions of the relevant government agencies, and finally the receipt of the electronic permit were presented in a visual form.  Reported that the Committee is currently working on the further improvement of the system and the implementation of each section across the country.

Also emphasized the importance of strengthening urban planning control, the importance of creating a facade passport for newly built residential buildings do not harm the overall appearance of the city, and the influence of public control on arbitrary construction works.

At the end the suggestions of the event participants were listened and noted, opinions were exchanged on expanding the system's capabilities, and questions were answered.

Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication