23 April 2024, 14:36

The next training of the "Startup School 2 - AI for Green Solidarity" project, which was carried out by the "Enterprise Azerbaijan" portal operated by the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication, in cooperation with the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and the Ozmen Entrepreneurship Center of the University of Nevada, USA The vice-rector of Ostim Technical University of Turkey, Prof. Unsal passed the cow. In the training session "Navigating the AI ​​Startup Ecosystem: From Idea to Investment" (Navigating the AI ​​Startup Ecosystem: From Idea to Investment) presented by him, the participants learned about the important elements of the establishment and development of the AI ​​startup sphere.

U. Sığrı said that an attractive value proposition plays a key role in the startup's success. He noted that in order to gain an advantage in the competition, competing start-ups should be carefully analyzed. For this, ways of identifying gaps in the market and improving strategies should be studied.

In the training, participants were informed about developing strong business models that describe strategies for revenue generation and cost management. The relationship between artificial intelligence and navigation was explained to them, and they were given the opportunity to turn ideas into real initiatives.

In the training, innovative approaches related to investment attraction, ways to succeed in the fields where startups are developed through artificial intelligence, and the required strategy were brought to the students' attention.

Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication